Saturday, February 26, 2011

Shogun, Sunway Pyramid.

as a manners, HI. :)
Well, told you. I'm suck in being an active blogger like others do. ;D By the way I do will keep you guys/girls entertain with some.... thing about what I did in my days. ;3

as you can see, topic of the day is,
Dinner @ SHOGUN, Sunway Pyramid.

let the pictures do the talking, perhaps? ;)

de' foods.

oyster. my favorite!



super soft tiramisu mini cake!

they got dragonfruit ;D

self-made ABC ice

sweet ;3

Mummy look so evil :/

Super greedy sister!

never-post-normally daddy!

giant gastric brother ;)

This is how he look like when he ate something super sour. Cute daddy MUAHS.


the blogger! Ain't she look pretty ;D


NO LAH, don't refresh your page just to see the image above okay (:
because there's no one.


on that night, my parents actually did fuck me -.-
Remember before chinese new year I have sickness for 1 week? Yeah, after that sickness, my appetite went terrible. I eat SUPER LESS now.
As you know, Shogun is a Japanese Buffet which actually cost quite a lot. So my parents did fuck me because I can't eat much. That's why, I felt so guilty. I wanted to have my BIG GASTRIC back. );
Small appetite make me missed too much of delicious foods!

Nevermind, can take away mah. HAHA.

that's it! ;D
will be back again xoxo'

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