Thursday, February 2, 2012

hi peepo.

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USA girl is back! 

gah, fooled. No image actually.

There's 2 bad news came along with me when I'm back to Malaysia.
The first bad news really brought me down down down...... We lost our dslr camera and digital camera during the flight... That was really making us upset. 
Thought a wonderful trip can be truly wonderful. but, ended up it gave us an broken ending.

We have no idea where's the camera now. 
Losing our cameras isn't the main issue.. thing is, our pictures. Two thousands plus pictures...
All the memories we snapped down, they are the most precious thing ever during our trip. 
Daddy can't even have a good sleep until now. 
If this never happen, daddy would be so happy now sharing what we've done during the trip. 
but he just couldn't right now. We didn't know who to blame.. we were so tired and uncomfortable during that 14 hours flight from San France to Hong Kong
I even cried like dumb at HKG when I found out that we're forgotten to carry our dslr bag.
What we can do is, pray hard and hopefully someone found it and left it either at San France or HK.. 

2nd bad news is, 
hi fakka I'm god damn sick again 
Just came back from USA 2 days ago and now I'm having fever, bodyache and dehydration
perhaps the weather at US is cold and dry, while the weather at Msia is hot and moisture. -.- 
I couldn't stand it so yeah... vomit and stuffs. 
Jeez I'm fking weakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk -___________________________________-

Yesterday was my first day in college. 
I looked so energized in the morning but once I ended my first lecture class, I started to walk like a zombie.
Classmates even thought I was so anti-social cause I kept on sleeping while they're having their lunch. 
Meh sorrryyy huuuhhh I screwed up my first impression

Sorry heh? No good news. -.- 
that's my fucked up CNY. 

Oh yeah, to be polite........... how's you guys' CNY eh? Nice and cool? troll

CNY is about to end....... I didn't receive a single shit angpao till now hahhahahahhahahahahahahahaha. 
great. -.-

This week's mood and lucks really suck ttm. Meh
gets angry easily and fuck people up easily. I even did a little fuckery stuff to my boy 
you see how worse I goneeeeeee 

Lord please find me back my camera..... :'( Thats all I want
I will be good. promise. although im already good 
hah :')

well guess everyone's going to have holidays for 4 days in a row 
have a nice rest during this 4 days. 
Students just need to appreciate their holidayssssssssss

God please bless me for next week's lecture classes. I haven get my textbooks done yet -.-

have a nice day pals.

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