Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My first day of school!

hello, ni hao. :D
means you good. :D

no it's just .... hello. heh.

IT'S JANUARY 4TH TODAYYY. what's so special? It's my dear Trina Marie's birthday. I love her lots, because she has the chun-est name ever. & she's my 4 years long classmate & 3-years-long-class-monitor. lol. She's considered as one of the honeys which brought me to know Jesus, oh yeah ♥ planning something awesome to her, muahahaha.

She's the birthday girl, TRIN....
ah she mentioned it herself.
such a narcissistic girl :P

hehe, i just love your look.
better keep that look no matter how old are you in future ;)
May God bless you eyy.
wish you all the best, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

OKAY, since it's still today. lol, today. Erm, let's get back to the topic.

It was shoooooooooo AWESOME! ,NO. -.-
Surprised no? I was kicked out by the teacher. BAHAH.

I will tell you my ahhh-mahh story now.

Once upon a time ........... a frog and a frog. no.
Hello, I woke up early in the morning, having a so damn fresh mood, preparing to get my ass to my school! Don't be too surprise, it's just I'm happy to get to see "sea of faces" again.
I was LATE TO SCHOOL but it's fine. credits to YUKI ;) Hahaha.
Sat down on the hall full of dirtiness, sang our new melody of country song, state & school's.

>>>>> just fast forward it.

it's time to get back to class. Lining up preparing to check out my new class.
Oh damn, JOEL the head of prefect shouted my name and said, your hair. come.
oh yeah efffff. ^^ He realized my hair color & there he goes, caught me! Heha :'D -.-


"did you dye your hair?"
"why are you being so honest?"
"your color can be natural, since u said yes, i cannot help you dy."
"lol, i am honest enough."


Teacher looked at me from head to toe.
she took a paper out and wrote:
1. rambut berwarna.
2. stocking pendek.
3. colored lens.

"give a call to your mum to pick you up. we want you to go back home"
"huh, cannot study one day meh"
"i go back dye lah."
"huh really meh"
*spoke fork in a low volume*
"what ah?"
"nothing. :D ok i arrange."

called my aunt to pick me up. she fetched me to Watsons to buy the dye hair thingy -.-
damned, first day of school have to spend such lotsa money dy. ugh.
went to aunt's house and dyed my hair.

i used this.

the result is,

hi the barbie doll elisa.

Yes, it is DAMN BLACK until i feel like killing myself :/ joking.
I look very fake with my front hair, it's like I used stabilo black color pencil to color my hair.
very abnormal :( cause I had brownish hair since I'm young.
Ahhh, my natural brown, come back to me as soon as possible please!

So that's my first day of school.

full of experiences?
No, wasting of time. Lolol.

So, that's it! :)
will post about new year eve & my sweet 16 next.
chillax! ;)